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HTTP request method examples

The RPA.HTTP library builds on top of (extends) the robotframework-requests Robot Framework library. That means you can use RPA.HTTP like you would use RequestsLibrary.

The following is a copy of the test cases from the robotframework-requests library. They provide detailed examples of how to use HTTP request methods (DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT) with Robot Framework.

These robots are only for reference since they require custom files. Use rpaframework version 22.0.0 or newer. See robotframework-requests library tests for more examples!

Requests without session

*** Settings *** Library Collections Library String Library RequestsLibrary Resource res_setup.robot Suite Setup Setup Flask Http Server Suite Teardown Teardown Flask Http Server And Sessions *** Test Cases *** Get Request [Tags] get ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Get Request Should Have Get Method [Tags] get ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] GET Get Request With Url Params As Dictionary [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary param1=1 param2=2 ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything ${params} Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Get Request With Url Params As Kwargs String [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary this_is_a_string=1 p2=2 ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything ... params=this_is_a_string=1&p2=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Get Request With Url Params As Escaped String [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary this_is_a_string=1 p2=2 ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything ... this_is_a_string\=1&p2\=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Get Request With Url Duplicated Keys In Params [Tags] get ${array}= Create List 1 2 ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything ... params=key=1&key=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Lists Should Be Equal ${array} ${resp.json()}[args][key] Get Request With Url Duplicated Keys In Params And PHP Style Array [Tags] get ${array}= Create List 1 2 ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything ... params=key[]=1&key[]=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Lists Should Be Equal ${array} ${resp.json()}[args][key[]] Get Request With Url Params As PHP Style Array [Tags] get ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything ... params=key[]=1,2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings 1,2 ${resp.json()}[args][key[]] Get Request With Url Params As Array [Tags] get ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything ... params=key=[1,2] Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings [1,2] ${resp.json()}[args][key] Get Request With Unordered Parameters [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary param1=1 param2=2 ${resp}= GET params=${params} ... url=${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything data=data expected_status=200 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Should Be Equal As Strings data ${resp.json()}[data] Get Request And Fail By Default On Http Error [Tags] get Run Keyword And Expect Error HTTPError: 400* ... GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/400 Get Request And Fail By Expecting A 200 Status [Tags] get Run Keyword And Expect Error Url: http://localhost:5000/status/404?param Expected status: 404 != 200 ... GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/404 param 200 Get Request And Fail By Expecting A 200 Status With A Message [Tags] get Run Keyword And Expect Error Custom msg Url: http://localhost:5000/status/404?param Expected status: 404 != 200 ... GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/404 param 200 Custom msg Get Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] get ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Get Request Expect Any Status And Continue On Error [Tags] get ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/404 expected_status=ANY Should Be Equal As Strings NOT FOUND ${resp.reason} Get Request Expect Anything Status And Continue On Error [Tags] get ${resp}= GET ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/404 expected_status=Anything Should Be Equal As Strings NOT FOUND ${resp.reason} Post Request [Tags] post ${resp}= POST ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Post Request Should Have Post Method [Tags] Post ${resp}= POST ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] POST Post Request With Data [Tags] post ${resp}= POST ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything string Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[data] string Post Request With Json [Tags] post ${body}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 ${resp}= POST ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything json=${body} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${data}= Evaluate ${resp.json()}[data] Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${data} ${body} Post Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] post ${resp}= POST ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Post Request Expect Anything Status And Continue On Error [Tags] post ${resp}= POST ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/400 expected_status=anything Should Be Equal As Strings BAD REQUEST ${resp.reason} Put Request [Tags] put ${resp}= PUT ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Put Request Should Have Put Method [Tags] put ${resp}= PUT ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] PUT Put Request With Data [Tags] put ${resp}= PUT ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything string Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[data] string Put Request With Json [Tags] put ${body}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 ${resp}= PUT ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything json=${body} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${data}= Evaluate ${resp.json()}[data] Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${data} ${body} Put Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] put ${resp}= PUT ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Head Request [Tags] head ${resp}= HEAD ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Head Request Should Not Have A Body [Tags] head ${resp}= HEAD ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.content} ${Empty} Head Request With Kwargs Params [Tags] head ${params}= Create Dictionary param1=1 param2=2 ${resp}= HEAD ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything params=${params} Status Should Be OK ${resp} Head Request With Header [Tags] head ${accept_type}= Set Variable application/json ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept ${accept_type} ${resp}= HEAD ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything headers=${headers} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${content_type_response}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.headers} Content-Type Should Be Equal ${accept_type} ${content_type_response} Head Request And Fail By Default On Http Error [Tags] head Run Keyword And Expect Error HTTPError: 400* ... HEAD ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/400 Head Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] head ${resp}= HEAD ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Patch Request [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Patch Request Should Have Patch Method [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] PATCH Patch Request With Data [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything string Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[data] string Patch Request With Json [Tags] Patch ${body}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 ${resp}= PATCH ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything json=${body} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${data}= Evaluate ${resp.json()}[data] Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${data} ${body} Patch Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Delete Request [Tags] Delete ${resp}= DELETE ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Delete Request Should Have Delete Method [Tags] Delete ${resp}= DELETE ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] DELETE Delete Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] Delete ${resp}= DELETE ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/202 expected_status=202 Should Be Equal As Strings ACCEPTED ${resp.reason} Options Request On Existing Session [Tags] options ${resp}= OPTIONS ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Options Request Check Allow Header [Tags] options ${allow_header}= Create List POST HEAD PATCH GET TRACE DELETE OPTIONS PUT ${resp}= OPTIONS ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${allow_response_header}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.headers} Allow ${allow_response_header}= Split String ${allow_response_header} ,${SPACE} Lists Should Be Equal ${allow_header} ${allow_response_header} ignore_order=True Options Request And Bad Request Not Fail [Tags] options ${resp}= OPTIONS ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/400 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Options Request Expect A Success On Unauthorized Request [Tags] options ${resp}= OPTIONS ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER}/status/401 expected_status=200 Status Should Be OK ${resp}

Requests using session

*** Settings *** Library Collections Library String Library RequestsLibrary Resource res_setup.robot Suite Setup Setup Flask Http Server Suite Teardown Teardown Flask Http Server And Sessions *** Test Cases *** Get Request On Existing Session [Tags] get ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Get Request Should Have Get Method [Tags] get ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] GET Get Request With Url Params As Dictionary [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary param1=1 param2=2 ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything ${params} Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Get Request With Url Params As Kwargs String [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary this_is_a_string=1 p2=2 ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything ... params=this_is_a_string=1&p2=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Get Request With Url Params As Escaped String [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary this_is_a_string=1 p2=2 ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything ... this_is_a_string\=1&p2\=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Get Request With Url Duplicated Keys In Params [Tags] get ${array}= Create List 1 2 ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything ... params=key=1&key=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Lists Should Be Equal ${array} ${resp.json()}[args][key] Get Request With Url Duplicated Keys In Params And PHP Style Array [Tags] get ${array}= Create List 1 2 ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything ... params=key[]=1&key[]=2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Lists Should Be Equal ${array} ${resp.json()}[args][key[]] Get Request With Url Params As PHP Style Array [Tags] get ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything ... params=key[]=1,2 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings 1,2 ${resp.json()}[args][key[]] Get Request With Url Params As Array [Tags] get ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything ... params=key=[1,2] Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings [1,2] ${resp.json()}[args][key] Get Request With Unordered Parameters [Tags] get ${params}= Create Dictionary param1=1 param2=2 ${resp}= GET On Session params=${params} alias=${GLOBAL_SESSION} ... url=/anything data=data expected_status=200 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${params} ${resp.json()}[args] Should Be Equal As Strings data ${resp.json()}[data] Get Request And Fail By Default On Http Error [Tags] get Run Keyword And Expect Error HTTPError: 400* ... GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/400 Get Request And Fail By Expecting A 200 Status [Tags] get Run Keyword And Expect Error Url: http://localhost:5000/status/404?param Expected status: 404 != 200 ... GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/404 param 200 Get Request And Fail By Expecting A 200 Status With A Message [Tags] get Run Keyword And Expect Error Custom msg Url: http://localhost:5000/status/404?param Expected status: 404 != 200 ... GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/404 param 200 Custom msg Get Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] get ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Get Request Expect Any Status And Continue On Error [Tags] get ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/404 expected_status=ANY Should Be Equal As Strings NOT FOUND ${resp.reason} Get Request Expect Anything Status And Continue On Error [Tags] get ${resp}= GET On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/404 expected_status=Anything Should Be Equal As Strings NOT FOUND ${resp.reason} Post Request On Existing Session [Tags] post ${resp}= POST On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Post Request Should Have Post Method [Tags] Post ${resp}= POST On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] POST Post Request With Data [Tags] post ${resp}= POST On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything string Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[data] string Post Request With Json [Tags] post ${body}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 ${resp}= POST On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything json=${body} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${data}= Evaluate ${resp.json()}[data] Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${data} ${body} Post Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] post ${resp}= POST On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Post Request Expect Anything Status And Continue On Error [Tags] post ${resp}= POST On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/400 expected_status=anything Should Be Equal As Strings BAD REQUEST ${resp.reason} Put Request On Existing Session [Tags] put ${resp}= PUT On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Put Request Should Have Put Method [Tags] Put ${resp}= PUT On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] PUT Put Request With Data [Tags] put ${resp}= PUT On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything string Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[data] string Put Request With Json [Tags] put ${body}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 ${resp}= PUT On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything json=${body} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${data}= To Json ${resp.json()}[data] Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${data} ${body} Put Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] put ${resp}= PUT On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Head Request On Existing Session [Tags] head ${resp}= HEAD On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Head Request Should Not Have A Body [Tags] head ${resp}= HEAD On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.content} ${Empty} Head Request With Kwargs Params [Tags] head ${params}= Create Dictionary param1=1 param2=2 ${resp}= HEAD On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything params=${params} Status Should Be OK ${resp} Head Request With Header [Tags] head ${accept_type}= Set Variable application/json ${headers}= Create Dictionary Accept ${accept_type} ${resp}= HEAD On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything headers=${headers} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${content_type_response}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.headers} Content-Type Should Be Equal ${accept_type} ${content_type_response} Head Request And Fail By Default On Http Error [Tags] head Run Keyword And Expect Error HTTPError: 400* ... HEAD On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/400 Head Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] head ${resp}= HEAD On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Patch Request On Existing Session [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Patch Request Should Have Patch Method [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] PATCH Patch Request With Data [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything string Status Should Be OK ${resp} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[data] string Patch Request With Json [Tags] Patch ${body}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 ${resp}= PATCH On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything json=${body} Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${data}= To Json ${resp.json()}[data] Dictionaries Should Be Equal ${data} ${body} Patch Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] Patch ${resp}= PATCH On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/401 expected_status=401 Should Be Equal As Strings UNAUTHORIZED ${resp.reason} Delete Request On Existing Session [Tags] Delete ${resp}= DELETE On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Delete Request Should Have Delete Method [Tags] Delete ${resp}= DELETE On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[method] DELETE Delete Request Expect An Error And Evaluate Response [Tags] Delete ${resp}= DELETE On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/202 expected_status=202 Should Be Equal As Strings ACCEPTED ${resp.reason} Options Request On Existing Session [Tags] options ${resp}= OPTIONS On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} Options Request Check Allow Header [Tags] options ${allow_header}= Create List POST HEAD PATCH GET TRACE DELETE OPTIONS PUT ${resp}= OPTIONS On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /anything Status Should Be OK ${resp} ${allow_response_header}= Get From Dictionary ${resp.headers} Allow ${allow_response_header}= Split String ${allow_response_header} ,${SPACE} Lists Should Be Equal ${allow_header} ${allow_response_header} ignore_order=True Options Request And Bad Request Not Fail [Tags] options ${resp}= OPTIONS On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/400 Status Should Be OK ${resp} Options Request Expect A Success On Unauthorized Request [Tags] options ${resp}= OPTIONS On Session ${GLOBAL_SESSION} /status/401 expected_status=200 Status Should Be OK ${resp}


*** Settings *** Library Collections Library String Library RequestsLibrary Resource res_setup.robot Suite Setup Setup Flask Http Server Suite Teardown Teardown Flask Http Server And Sessions *** Test Cases *** Test Cookies Passed In Request ${cookies}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 Create Session cookies-session ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER} ${resp}= GET On Session cookies-session /anything cookies=${cookies} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[headers][Cookie] a=1 b=2 Test Default Cookies Passed In Session ${cookies}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 Create Session cookies-session ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER} cookies=${cookies} ${resp}= GET On Session cookies-session /anything Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[headers][Cookie] a=1 b=2 Test Default Cookies Passed In Session Override ${cookies}= Create Dictionary a=1 b=2 ${override}= Create Dictionary a=3 b=4 Create Session cookies-session ${HTTP_LOCAL_SERVER} cookies=${cookies} ${resp}= GET On Session cookies-session /anything cookies=${override} Should Be Equal As Strings ${resp.json()}[headers][Cookie] a=3 b=4

Learn more

See robotframework-requests library tests for more examples!

Last edit: May 17, 2022