In this section, you can find all the troubleshooting guides over all Robocorp products.
If you run into an issue, please do not hesitate to use the Submit Issue commands in our tools.
How to submit issues
If you hit a problem you see as an issue, do not hesitate to report it. Here's a guide.
Windows code page not in Unicode
If you see Unicode errors or mangled characters, the Windows code page might not be in Unicode.
System requirements
Common system-level requirements and recommendations for developing and running Python-based automation.
Environment variable ROBOCORP_HOME
Spaces or special characters in the user's home path cause problems for Python libraries
Windows Defender taking a lot of resources
Developer tools are creating a lot of small files that tax the Windows Antimalware Service Executable heavily.
Windows support for long filenames
Most Windows setups already support longer file paths, but some enterprise versions might still have the setting disabled.
Clear / cleanup local environment caches
Clear / cleanup local environment caches using RCC.
RCC collision in PATH
Having a short command name for easy use means we are bound to get some collisions with `rcc`. Here is a guide to work with multiple `rcc` apps.
Firewall and network proxy requirements
How to set up networking rules needed to run Robocorp applications on a machine.
Troubleshooting SSL Issues
How to solve SSL/TLS-related issues in enterprise networks