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Downloading and reading an Excel file

This example demonstrates how to download and how to read data from an Excel file. We will use RPA.Excel.Files and RPA.HTTP libraries from the RPA Framework.

Robot Framework example

*** Settings *** Documentation Download an Excel file and read the rows. Library RPA.Excel.Files Library RPA.HTTP *** Variables *** ${EXCEL_FILE_URL}= *** Tasks *** Download an Excel file and read the rows Download ${EXCEL_FILE_URL} overwrite=True Open Workbook Data.xlsx ${table}= Read Worksheet As Table header=True Close Workbook FOR ${row} IN @{table} Log ${row} END

Python example

from RPA.Excel.Files import Files from RPA.HTTP import HTTP excel_lib = Files() http_lib = HTTP() excel_file_url= "" def download_the_excel_file(url):, overwrite=True) def open_the_file_as_table(): excel_lib.open_workbook("Data.xlsx") table = excel_lib.read_worksheet_as_table(header=True) excel_lib.close_workbook() return table def loop_over_table(table): for row in table: print(row) # Define a main() function that calls the other functions in order: def main(): download_the_excel_file(excel_file_url) table = open_the_file_as_table() loop_over_table(table) # Call the main() function, checking that we are running as a stand-alone script: if __name__ == "__main__": main()

See RPA.Excel.Files keyword documentation to learn more about working with Excel files.

Last edit: May 5, 2022