Automation Certification Level I: Beginner's course - Python

Welcome to the Software Robot Developer Beginners' course!

You get started on your way to becoming a Software Robot Developer and learn how to automate processes using Robocorp tools.

We will go easy on the theory part. Instead, we will automate a real-life scenario: helping out an employee in need, saving her from copy-paste hell, and freeing her to do more useful stuff with her time.

The robot we will create together will be simple but able to do quite a lot: it will open websites, log in using user credentials, download and read Excel files, fill forms and create PDF files automatically.

Robocorp supports automating any system that a robot has access to, be it a desktop application, API, mainframe, database, FTP server, an image stream of the user interface...

Completing the course should take around two to three hours. You do not have to go through it all in one go. You can do it in steps and come back anytime.

To complete this course, we recommend having some previous experience with programming.

If you get stuck and need help, or you have feedback to share with us, check out Robocorp Slack on #help-developer-training.

We will show you how to develop your robot step by step on your computer using Visual Studio Code with Robocorp Code extension and how to upload it to Control Room to be executed remotely and even scheduled to run each week!

With the free tier of Robocorp and your trusty computer, you have all the tools already. You can use macOS, Windows, or Linux. We support all of them!

Let's start then!

Meet Maria, intranet admin, and RobotSpareBin Inc, the world leader in old robot spare parts!

🤖⚙️ RobotSpareBin Industries Inc. has been building and selling spare parts for old robots since 1982. Rusty joints, moldy microprocessors, and dusty sensors require replacing from time to time. Selling replacements for those parts is the responsibility of a veteran team of salespeople at RobotSpareBin.


To award the high-performing individuals and ehm... "encourage" the not quite as efficient salespeople, RobotSpareBin has set up an intranet. Maria, the admin of the intranet, is responsible for entering the sales goals and actual numbers each week for all salespeople individually. And, RobotSpareBin being the world leader in spare parts for old leaky robots, there's a lot of them. Like, A LOT.

Maria, the intranet admin

Over the years, spending hours and hours entering the information into the intranet each week has become less and less exciting. Knowing some programming and having better plans for her valuable work time, Maria has decided to outsource her mundane tasks to someone who will never get bored. She will build a robot! And you will help her, right? Right! Let's get going!

Last edit: March 1, 2023