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Authorize to Twitter API


ArgumentTypeDefault value
consumer_keystr, NoneNone
consumer_secretstr, NoneNone
access_tokenstr, NoneNone
access_token_secretstr, NoneNone
param consumer_key:app consumer key
param consumer_secret:app consumer secret
param access_token:user access token
param access_token_secret:user access token secret

Follow Twitter user


ArgumentTypeDefault value
userstr, NoneNone
param user:screen name of the user
return:True if user was followed, False if not

Get Twitter profile of authenticated user

return:user profile as dictionary or None

Get user's Twitter profile


ArgumentTypeDefault value
usernamestr, NoneNone
param username:whose profile to get
return:profile as dictionary

Get user tweets


ArgumentTypeDefault value
usernamestr, NoneNone
param username:whose tweets to get
param count:maximum number of tweets, defaults to 100
return:list of user tweets

Like a tweet


ArgumentTypeDefault value
tweetTweet, NoneNone
param tweet:as a class Tweet
return:True if Tweet was liked, False if not

Search tweets defined by search query


ArgumentTypeDefault value
querystr, NoneNone
geocodestr, NoneNone
langstr, NoneNone
localestr, NoneNone
untilstr, NoneNone
since_idstr, NoneNone
max_idstr, NoneNone

Results types:

  • mixed : include both popular and real time results in the response
  • recent : return only the most recent results in the response
  • popular : return only the most popular results in the response
param query:search query string of 500 characters maximum, including operators
param count:maximum number of tweets, defaults to 100
param geocode:tweets by users located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude
param lang:language code of tweets
param locale:language of the query you are sending
param result_type:type of search results you would prefer to receive, default "mixed"
param until:tweets created before the given date
param since_id:Returns only statuses with an ID greater than
param max_id:only statuses with an ID less than
return:list of matching tweets

Make a tweet with content


ArgumentTypeDefault value
contentstr, NoneNone
param content:text for the status update

Unfollow Twitter user


ArgumentTypeDefault value
userstr, NoneNone
param user:screen name of the user
return:True if user was followed, False if not

Unlike a tweet


ArgumentTypeDefault value
tweetTweet, NoneNone
param tweet:as a class Tweet
return:True if Tweet was unliked, False if not