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Listener method for keyword end.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:keyword name
param attributes:keyword attributes

If name exists in the protected keywords list then log level is restored back to level it was before settings to NONE.

Set keywords which should not execute SeleniumLibrary default behaviour of running keyword on failure.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
keywordsstr, List, NoneNone
optional_keyword_to_runstr, NoneNone
param keywords:list of keywords to mute
param optional_keyword_to_run:name of the keyword to execute if keyword defined by keywords fail

Keyword names do not need to be full names of keywords, ie. all keywords matching even partially will be affected. Run Keyword would match all BuiltIn library keywords (17 keywords in RF 3.2.1) and of course all Run Keyword named keywords in any resource and/or library file which are imported would be matched also.

By default SeleniumLibrary executes Capture Page Screenshot on failure.

If optional_keyword_to_run is not given then nothing is done on failure, but this can be set to override SeleniumLibrary default behaviour for a set of keywords.

Register keywords that are allowed only INFO level logging


ArgumentTypeDefault value
namesstr, List, NoneNone
param names:list of keywords to protect

Register keywords that are not going to be logged into Robot Framework logs.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
namesstr, List, NoneNone
param names:list of keywords to protect

Listener method for keyword start.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:keyword name
param attributes:keyword attributes

If name exists in the protected keywords list then log level is temporarily set to NONE.