Note: You are looking at a static snapshot of documentation related to Robot Framework automations. The most recent documentation is at


Add given file to work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param path:Path to file on disk
param name:Destination name for file. If not given, current name of local file is used.

NOTE: Files are not uploaded before work item is saved


*** Tasks *** Example task Add work item file output.xls Save Work Item

Add all files that match given pattern to work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param pattern:Path wildcard pattern


*** Tasks *** Example task Add work item files %{ROBOT_ROOT}/generated/*.csv Save Work Item

Remove all data and files in the current work item.


*** Tasks *** Clearing a work item Clear work item Save work item
from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import WorkItems wi = WorkItems() wi.get_input_work_item() wi.clear_work_item() wi.save_work_item()

Create a new output work item with optional variables and files.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
variablesdict, NoneNone
filesstr, List[str], NoneNone

An output work item is always created as a child for an input item, therefore a non-released input is required to be loaded first. All changes to the work item are done locally and are sent to the output queue after the keyword Save Work Item is called only, except when save is True.

param variables:Optional dictionary with variables to be set into the new output work item.
param files:Optional list or comma separated paths to files to be included into the new output work item.
param save:Automatically call Save Work Item over the newly created output work item.
returns:The newly created output work item object.


Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Create output items with variables then save ${customers} = Load customer data FOR ${customer} IN @{customers} Create Output Work Item Set Work Item Variables id=${} ... name=${} Save Work Item END Create and save output items with variables and files in one go ${customers} = Load customer data FOR ${customer} IN @{customers} &{customer_vars} = Create Dictionary id=${} ... name=${} Create Output Work Item variables=${customer_vars} ... files=devdata${/}report.csv save=${True} END


from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import WorkItems wi = WorkItems() wi.get_input_work_item() customers = wi.get_work_item_variable("customers") for customer in customers: wi.create_output_work_item(customer, save=True)

Delete variable(s) from the current work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param names:Names of variables to remove
param force:Ignore variables that don't exist in work item


*** Tasks *** Example task Delete work item variables username email Save Work Item

Run a keyword or function for each work item in the input queue.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
keyword_or_funcstr, Callablenull

Automatically collects and returns a list of results, switch return_results to False for avoiding this.

param keyword_or_func:The RF keyword or Py function you want to map through all the work items
param args:Variable list of arguments that go into the called keyword/function
param kwargs:Variable list of keyword arguments that go into the called keyword/function
param items_limit:Limit the queue item retrieval to a certain amount, otherwise all the items are retrieved from the queue until depletion
param return_results:Collect and return a list of results given each keyword/function call if truthy


*** Tasks *** Log Payloads @{lengths} = For Each Input Work Item Log Payload Log Payload lengths: @{lengths} *** Keywords *** Log Payload ${payload} = Get Work Item Payload Log To Console ${payload} ${len} = Get Length ${payload} [Return] ${len}


import logging from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import WorkItems library = WorkItems() def log_payload(): payload = library.get_work_item_payload() print(payload) return len(payload) def log_payloads(): library.get_input_work_item() lengths = library.for_each_input_work_item(log_payload)"Payload lengths: %s", lengths) log_payloads()

Get the currently active work item.

The current work item is used as the target by other keywords in this library.

Keywords Get Input Work Item and Create Output Work Item set the active work item automatically, and return the created instance.

With this keyword the active work item can be retrieved manually.


*** Tasks *** Example task ${input} = Get Current Work Item ${output} = Create Output Work Item Set Current Work Item ${input}

Load the next work item from the input queue, and set it as the active work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value

Each time this is called, the previous input work item is released (as DONE) prior to reserving the next one. If the library import argument autoload is truthy (default), this is called automatically when the Robot Framework suite starts.

Get attached file from work item to disk. Returns the absolute path to the created file.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of attached file
param path:Destination path of file. If not given, current working directory is used.


*** Tasks *** Example task ${path}= Get work item file input.xls Open workbook ${path}

Get files attached to work item that match given pattern. Returns a list of absolute paths to the downloaded files.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param pattern:Filename wildcard pattern
param dirname:Destination directory, if not given robot root is used


*** Tasks *** Example task ${paths}= Get work item files customer_*.xlsx FOR ${path} IN @{paths} Handle customer file ${path} END

Get the full JSON payload for a work item.

NOTE: Most use cases should prefer higher-level keywords.


*** Tasks *** Example task ${payload}= Get work item payload Log Entire payload as dictionary: ${payload}

Return a single variable value from the work item, or default value if defined and key does not exist.


ArgumentTypeDefault value

If key does not exist and default is not defined, raises KeyError.

param name:Name of variable
param default:Default value if key does not exist

Robot Framework Example:

*** Tasks *** Using a work item ${username}= Get work item variable username default=guest

Python Example:

from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import WorkItems wi = WorkItems() wi.get_input_work_item() customers = wi.get_work_item_variable("customers") print(customers)

Read all variables from the current work item and return their names and values as a dictionary.

Robot Framework Example:

*** Tasks *** Example task ${variables}= Get work item variables Log Username: ${variables}[username], Email: ${variables}[email]

Python Example:

from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import WorkItems wi = WorkItems() wi.get_input_work_item() input_wi = wi.get_work_item_variables() print(input_wi["username"]) print(input_wi["email"])

List the names of files attached to the current work item.


*** Tasks *** Example task ${names}= List work item files Log Work item has files with names: ${names}

List the variable names for the current work item.


*** Tasks *** Example task ${variables}= List work item variables Log Available variables in work item: ${variables}

Release the lastly retrieved input work item and set its state.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
stateState, strnull
exception_typeError, str, NoneNone
codestr, NoneNone
messagestr, NoneNone

This can be released with DONE or FAILED states. With the FAILED state, an additional exception can be sent to Control Room describing the problem that you encountered by specifying a type and optionally a code and/or message. After this has been called, no more output work items can be created unless a new input work item has been loaded again.

param state:The status on the last processed input work item
param exception_type:Error type (BUSINESS, APPLICATION). If this is not specified, then the cloud will assume UNSPECIFIED
param code:Optional error code identifying the exception for future filtering, grouping and custom retrying behaviour in the cloud
param message:Optional human-friendly error message supplying additional details regarding the sent exception


*** Tasks *** Example task Login into portal ${user} = Get Work Item Variable user ${doc} = Get Work Item Variable doc TRY Login Keyword ${user} Upload Doc Keyword ${doc} EXCEPT Login Failed Release Input Work Item FAILED ... exception_type=APPLICATION ... code=LOGIN_PORTAL_DOWN ... message=Unable to login, retry again later. EXCEPT Format Error AS ${err} ${message} = Catenate ... Document format is not correct and cannot be uploaded. ... Correct the format in this work item and try again. ... Full error message received: ${err} Release Input Work Item FAILED ... exception_type=BUSINESS ... code=DOC_FORMAT_ERROR ... message=${message} END


from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import State, WorkItems library = WorkItems() def process_and_set_state(): library.get_input_work_item() library.release_input_work_item(State.DONE) print(library.current.state) # would print "State.DONE" process_and_set_state()

Remove attached file from work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of attached file
param missing_ok:Do not raise exception if file doesn't exist

NOTE: Files are not deleted before work item is saved


*** Tasks *** Example task Remove work item file input.xls Save Work Item

Removes files attached to work item that match the given pattern.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param pattern:Filename wildcard pattern
param missing_ok:Do not raise exception if file doesn't exist


*** Tasks *** Example task Remove work item files *.xlsx Save Work Item

Save the current data and files in the work item. If not saved, all changes are discarded when the library goes out of scope.

Set the currently active work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value

The current work item is used as the target by other keywords in this library.

Keywords Get Input Work Item and Create Output Work Item set the active work item automatically, and return the created instance.

With this keyword the active work item can be set manually.

Robot Framework Example:

*** Tasks *** Creating outputs ${input}= Get Input Work Item ${output}= Create Output Work Item Set current work item ${input}

Python Example:

from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import WorkItems wi = WorkItems() parent_wi = wi.get_input_work_item() child_wi = wi.create_output_work_item() wi.set_current_work_item(parent_wi)

Convert all variables in the current work item to Robot Framework task variables, see variable scopes.


*** Tasks *** Example task # Work item has variable INPUT_URL Set task variables from work item Log The variable is now available: ${INPUT_URL}

Set the full JSON payload for a work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param payload:Content of payload, must be JSON-serializable

NOTE: Most use cases should prefer higher-level keywords. Using this keyword may cause errors when getting the payload via the normal Get work item variable and Get work item variables keywords if you do not set the payload to a dict.


*** Tasks *** Example task ${output}= Create dictionary username=Mark Set work item payload ${output}

Set a single variable value in the current work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of variable
param value:Value of variable

Robot Framework Example:

*** Tasks *** Example task Set work item variable username MarkyMark Save Work Item

Python Example:

from RPA.Robocorp.WorkItems import WorkItems customers = [{"id": 1, "name": "Apple"}, {"id": 2, "name": "Microsoft"}] wi = WorkItems() wi.get_input_work_item() wi.set_work_item_variable("customers", customers)

Set multiple variables in the current work item.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param kwargs:Pairs of variable names and values


*** Tasks *** Example task Set work item variables username=MarkyMark Save Work Item