Note: You are looking at a static snapshot of documentation related to Robot Framework automations. The most recent documentation is at


Delete an asset by providing its name.


ArgumentTypeDefault value

This operation cannot be undone.

param name:Name of the asset to delete
raises AssetNotFound:Asset with the given name does not exist

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Remove An Asset Delete Asset my-asset

Example: Python

def remove_an_asset(): storage.delete_asset("my-asset")

Get the asset's bytes value by providing its name.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the asset
raises AssetNotFound:Asset with the given name does not exist
returns:The current value of this asset as bytes

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Retrieve An Asset ${value} = Get Bytes Asset my-bytes-asset Log Asset bytes value: ${value}

Example: Python

def retrieve_an_asset(): value = storage.get_bytes_asset("my-bytes-asset") print(b"Asset bytes value:", value)

Get the asset's content saved to disk by providing its name.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the asset
param path:Destination path to the downloaded file
param overwrite:Replace destination file if it already exists (default False)
raises AssetNotFound:Asset with the given name does not exist
returns:A local path pointing to the retrieved file

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Retrieve An Asset ${path} = Get File Asset my-file-asset report.pdf Log Asset file path: ${path}

Example: Python

def retrieve_an_asset(): path = storage.get_file_asset("my-file-asset", "report.pdf") print("Asset file path:", path)

Get the asset's dictionary value by providing its name.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the asset
raises AssetNotFound:Asset with the given name does not exist
returns:The current value of this asset as a dictionary

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Retrieve An Asset &{value} = Get JSON Asset my-json-asset Log Asset dictionary value: ${value}

Example: Python

def retrieve_an_asset(): value = storage.get_json_asset("my-json-asset") print("Asset dictionary value:", value)

Get the asset's text value by providing its name.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the asset
raises AssetNotFound:Asset with the given name does not exist
returns:The current value of this asset as text

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Retrieve An Asset ${value} = Get Text Asset my-text-asset Log Asset text value: ${value}

Example: Python

def retrieve_an_asset(): value = storage.get_text_asset("my-text-asset") print("Asset text value:", value)

List all the existing assets.

returns:A list of available assets' names

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Print All Assets @{assets} = List Assets Log List ${assets}

Example: Python

def print_all_assets(): print(storage.list_assets())

Creates or updates an asset named name with the provided bytes value.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the existing or new asset to create (if missing)
param value:The new bytes value to set within the asset
param wait:Wait for the value to be set successfully

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Set An Asset ${random_bytes} = Evaluate os.urandom(10) modules=os Set Bytes Asset my-bytes-asset ${random_bytes}

Example: Python

import os def set_an_asset(): random_bytes = os.urandom(10) storage.set_bytes_asset("my-bytes-asset", random_bytes)

Creates or updates an asset named name with the content of the given path file.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the existing or new asset to create (if missing)
param path:The file path whose content to be set within the asset
param wait:Wait for the value to be set successfully

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Set An Asset Set File Asset my-file-asset report.pdf

Example: Python

def set_an_asset(): storage.set_file_asset("my-file-asset", "report.pdf")

Creates or updates an asset named name with the provided dictionary value.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the existing or new asset to create (if missing)
param value:The new dictionary value to set within the asset
param wait:Wait for the value to be set successfully

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Set An Asset &{entries} = Create Dictionary dogs ${10} Set JSON Asset my-json-asset ${entries}

Example: Python

def set_an_asset(): entries = {"dogs": 10} storage.set_json_asset("my-json-asset", entries)

Creates or updates an asset named name with the provided text value.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param name:Name of the existing or new asset to create (if missing)
param value:The new text value to set within the asset
param wait:Wait for the value to be set successfully

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Set An Asset Set Text Asset my-text-asset My asset value as text

Example: Python

def set_an_asset(): storage.set_text_asset("my-text-asset", "My asset value as text")