Note: You are looking at a static snapshot of documentation related to Robot Framework automations. The most recent documentation is at


Create an input work item for a process


ArgumentTypeDefault value
payloadAny, NoneNone
filesstr, List, NoneNone
process_idstr, NoneNone
param payload:work item data
param files:absolute filepaths as single string or list
param process_id:specific process to which item belongs to
return:The integer that represents the work item id

Get a process id of the process by name


ArgumentTypeDefault value
workspace_idstr, NoneNone
param process_name:name of the process in the Control Room
param workspace_id:specific Control Room workspace to which process belongs to
return:the next iteration id or None

Get a process run status by run id


ArgumentTypeDefault value
step_run_idstr, NoneNone
process_idstr, NoneNone
param process_run_id:id of the process run
param step_run_id:id of the process step run
param process_id:specific process to which runs belongs to
return:the response JSON

Get a download URL for a process run artifact


ArgumentTypeDefault value
process_idstr, NoneNone
param process_run_id:id of the process run
param step_run_id:id of the process step run
param artifact_id:id of the run artifact
param filename:filename of the run artifact
param process_id:specific process to which runs belongs to
return:url for file download

Get work item from Control Room


ArgumentTypeDefault value
process_idstr, NoneNone
param workitem_id:id of the work item
param include_data:include work item payload and files in the response (default False)
param process_id:specific process to which runs belongs to
return:the JSON of the work items associated with a given process

List work items belonging to a specific process run


ArgumentTypeDefault value
process_run_idstr, NoneNone
process_idstr, NoneNone
item_statestr, NoneNone
param process_run_id:specific process step run to which items belongs to
param process_id:specific process to which items belongs to
param include_data:include work item payload and files in the response (default False)
param item_state:state of work items to return (default all)

List of runs related to a process


ArgumentTypeDefault value
run_statestr, NoneNone
limitint, None10
process_idstr, NoneNone
param run_state:state of runs to return (default all)
param limit:number of runs to return (default 10)
param process_id:specific process to which runs belongs to
return:the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

List all process runs in a workspace


ArgumentTypeDefault value
run_statestr, NoneNone
limitint, None10
workspace_idstr, NoneNone
param run_state:state of runs to return (default all)
param limit:number of runs to return (default 10)
param workspace_id:specific Control Room workspace to which process belongs to
return:the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

List work items belonging to a process


ArgumentTypeDefault value
process_idstr, NoneNone
item_statestr, NoneNone
param include_data:include work item payload and files in the response (default False)
param item_state:state of work items to return (default all)
param process_id:specific process to which items belongs to
return:the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

List all processes in a workspace


ArgumentTypeDefault value
workspace_idstr, NoneNone
param workspace_id:specific Control Room workspace to which process belongs to
return:the JSON data of the process runs based on the provided parameters

List Robot run artifacts


ArgumentTypeDefault value
process_idstr, NoneNone
param process_run_id:id of the process run
param step_run_id:id of the process step run
param process_id:specific process to which runs belongs to
return:the response JSON

Retry processing of work item in FAILED state


ArgumentTypeDefault value
process_idstr, NoneNone
param work_item_id:ID of the work item to retry
param process_id:specific process to start
return:the response JSON

Set Workspace API access key


ArgumentTypeDefault value
apikeystr, NoneNone
param apikey:workspace API access key

Set credentials needed by the Process API


ArgumentTypeDefault value
workspace_idstr, NoneNone
process_idstr, NoneNone
apikeystr, NoneNone
param workspace_id:ID of the Control Room workspace
param process_id:ID of the Control Room process
param apikey:workspace API access key

Set Control Room process ID


ArgumentTypeDefault value
process_idstr, NoneNone
param process_id:ID of the Control Room process

Set Control Room workspace ID


ArgumentTypeDefault value
workspace_idstr, NoneNone
param workspace_id:ID of the Control Room workspace

Start a Control Room process with the provided configuration


ArgumentTypeDefault value
extra_infostr, List, NoneNone
process_idstr, NoneNone
param config_type:type of the start, (ConfigurationType.default)
param extra_info:data to be sent with the start, for example. work item IDs
param process_id:specific process to start
return:string of the request response

Start a Control Room process


ArgumentTypeDefault value
work_itemsDict, List[Dict], NoneNone
process_idstr, NoneNone
param work_items:input work items for the process (default empty)
param batch:set to True if sending list of workitems to start each as a separate run
param process_id:specific process to start
return:JSON of the request response

Table showing different results depending on parameter values.

NoneFalseTrigger a process with empty a work item
NoneTrueError. work_items needs to be a list
dictFalseTrigger a process with a work item containing payload of a dict
dictTrueError. work_items needs to be a list
listFalseTrigger a process with a work item containing payload of a list
listTrueTrigger multiple process runs with work items each containing payload of a dict