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Add images and/or pdfs to new PDF document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
fileslist, NoneNone
target_documentstr, NoneNone

Supports merging and splitting PDFs.

Image formats supported are JPEG, PNG and GIF.

The file can be added with extra properties by denoting : at the end of the filename. Each property should be separated by comma.

Supported extra properties for PDFs are:

  • page and/or page ranges
  • no extras means that all source PDF pages are added into new PDF

Supported extra properties for images are:

  • format, the PDF page format, for example. Letter or A4
  • rotate, how many degrees image is rotated counter-clockwise
  • align, only possible value at the moment is center
  • orientation, the PDF page orientation for the image, possible values P (portrait) or L (landscape)
  • x/y, coordinates for adjusting image position on the page


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Add files to pdf ${files}= Create List ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}invoice.pdf ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}approved.png:align=center ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}robot.pdf:1 ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}approved.png:x=0,y=0 ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}robot.pdf:2-10,15 ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}approved.png ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}landscape_image.png:rotate=-90,orientation=L ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}landscape_image.png:format=Letter Add Files To PDF ${files} newdoc.pdf Merge pdfs ${files}= Create List ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}invoice.pdf ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}robot.pdf:1 ... ${TESTDATA_DIR}${/}robot.pdf:2-10,15 Add Files To Pdf ${files} merged-doc.pdf Split pdf ${files}= Create List ... ${OUTPUT_DIR}${/}robot.pdf:2-10,15 Add Files To Pdf ${files} split-doc.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_addfiles(): list_of_files = [ 'invoice.pdf', 'approved.png:align=center', 'robot.pdf:1', 'approved.png:x=0,y=0', ] pdf.add_files_to_pdf( files=list_of_files, target_document="output/output.pdf" ) def example_merge(): list_of_files = [ 'invoice.pdf', 'robot.pdf:1', 'robot.pdf:2-10,15', ] pdf.add_files_to_pdf( files=list_of_files, target_document="output/merged-doc.pdf" ) def example_split(): list_of_files = [ 'robot.pdf:2-10,15', ] pdf.add_files_to_pdf( files=list_of_files, target_document="output/split-doc.pdf" )
param files:list of filepaths to add into PDF (can be either images or PDFs)
param target_document:filepath of target PDF
param append:appends files to existing document if append is True

Add an image into an existing or new PDF.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
image_pathstr, Pathnull
output_pathstr, Pathnull
source_pathstr, Path, NoneNone

If no source path is given, assume a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keyword *** Indicate approved with watermark Add Watermark Image To PDF ... image_path=approved.png ... source_path=/tmp/sample.pdf ... output_path=output/output.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def indicate_approved_with_watermark(): pdf.add_watermark_image_to_pdf( image_path="approved.png" source_path="/tmp/sample.pdf" output_path="output/output.pdf" )
param image_path:filepath to image file to add into PDF
param source:filepath to source, if not given add image to currently active PDF
param output_path:filepath of target PDF
param coverage:how the watermark image should be scaled on page, defaults to 0.2

Close all opened PDF file descriptors.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Close Multiple PDFs Close all pdfs

Close PDF file descriptor for a certain file.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pdfstr, NoneNone


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Close just one pdf Close pdf path/to/the/pdf/file.pdf
param source_pdf:filepath to the source pdf.
raises ValueError:if file descriptor for the file is not found.

Parse source PDF into entities.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone
pagenumstr, int, NoneNone

These entities can be used for text searches or XML dumping for example. The conversion will be done automatically when using the dependent keywords directly.

param source_path:source PDF filepath
param trim:trim whitespace from the text is set to True (default)
param pagenum:Page number where search is performed on, defaults to None. (meaning all pages get converted -- numbers start from 1)


Robot Framework

***Settings*** Library RPA.PDF ***Tasks*** Example Keyword Convert /tmp/sample.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): pdf.convert("/tmp/sample.pdf")

Decrypt PDF with password.


ArgumentTypeDefault value

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Make PDF human readable ${success}= Decrypt PDF /tmp/sample.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def make_pdf_human_readable(): success = pdf.decrypt_pdf("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
param output_path:filepath to the decrypted pdf.
param password:password as a string.
return:True if decrypt was successful, else False or Exception.
raises ValueError:on decryption errors.

Get PDFMiner format XML dump of the PDF


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone


Robot Framework

***Settings*** Library RPA.PDF ***Tasks*** Example Keyword ${xml}= Dump PDF as XML /tmp/sample.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): xml = pdf.dump_pdf_as_xml("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source PDF
return:XML content as a string

Encrypt a PDF document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone
output_pathstr, NoneNone
owner_pwdstr, NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Secure this PDF Encrypt PDF /tmp/sample.pdf Secure this PDF and set passwords Encrypt PDF ... source_path=/tmp/sample.pdf ... output_path=/tmp/new/sample_encrypted.pdf ... user_pwd=complex_password_here ... owner_pwd=different_complex_password_here ... use_128bit=${TRUE}


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def secure_this_pdf(): pdf.encrypt_pdf("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
param output_path:filepath to the target pdf, stored by default in the robot output directory as output.pdf
param user_pwd:allows opening and reading PDF with restrictions.
param owner_pwd:allows opening PDF without any restrictions, by default same user_pwd.
param use_128bit:whether to 128bit encryption, when false 40bit encryption is used, default True.

Extract pages from source PDF and save to a new PDF document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone
output_pathstr, NoneNone
pagesint, str, List[int], List[str], NoneNone

Page numbers start from 1.

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Save PDF pages to a new document ${pages}= Extract Pages From PDF ... source_path=/tmp/sample.pdf ... output_path=/tmp/output.pdf ... pages=5 Save PDF pages from open PDF to a new document ${pages}= Extract Pages From PDF ... output_path=/tmp/output.pdf ... pages=5


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def save_pdf_pages_to_a_new_document(): pages = pdf.extract_pages_from_pdf( source_path="/tmp/sample.pdf", output_path="/tmp/output.pdf", pages=5 )
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
param output_path:filepath to the target pdf, stored by default in the robot output directory as output.pdf
param pages:page numbers to extract from PDF (numbers start from 1) if None then extracts all pages.

Find the closest text elements near the set anchor(s) through locator.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
pagenumint, str1
closest_neighboursstr, int, None1
regexpstr, NoneNone

The PDF will be parsed automatically before elements can be searched.

param locator:Element to set anchor to. This can be prefixed with either "text:", "subtext:", "regex:" or "coords:" to find the anchor by text or coordinates. The "text" strategy is assumed if no such prefix is specified. (text search is case-sensitive; use ignore_case param for controlling it)
param pagenum:Page number where search is performed on, defaults to 1 (first page).
param direction:In which direction to search for text elements. This can be any of 'top'/'up', 'bottom'/'down', 'left' or 'right'. (defaults to 'right')
param closest_neighbours:How many neighbours to return at most, sorted by the distance from the current anchor.
param strict:If element's margins should be used for matching those which are aligned to the anchor. (turned off by default)
param regexp:Expected format of the searched text value. By default all the candidates in range are considered valid neighbours.
param trim:Automatically trim leading/trailing whitespace from the text elements. (switched on by default)
param ignore_case:Do a case-insensitive search when set to True. (affects the passed locator and regexp filtering)
returns:A list of Match objects where every match has the following attributes: .anchor - the matched text with the locator; .neighbours - a list of adjacent texts found on the specified direction


Keep in mind that this keyword works with text-based PDFs, and it can't extract information from an image-based (scan) PDF file. For accurate results, you have to use specialized external services wrapped by the RPA.DocumentAI library.

Portal example with video recording demo for parsing PDF invoices:


Robot Framework

PDF Invoice Parsing Open Pdf invoice.pdf ${matches} = Find Text Invoice Number Log List ${matches}
List has one item: Match(anchor='Invoice Number', direction='right', neighbours=['INV-3337'])


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def pdf_invoice_parsing(): pdf.open_pdf("invoice.pdf") matches = pdf.find_text("Invoice Number") for match in matches: print(match) pdf_invoice_parsing()
Match(anchor='Invoice Number', direction='right', neighbours=['INV-3337'])

Return all figures in the PDF document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Image fetch &{figures}= Get All Figures /tmp/sample.pdf Image fetch from open PDF &{figures}= Get All Figures


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def image_fetch(): figures = pdf.get_all_figures("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
return:dictionary of figures divided into pages.

Get input fields in the PDF.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone
encodingstr, Noneiso-8859-1

Stores input fields internally so that they can be used without parsing the PDF again.

param source_path:Filepath to source, if not given use the currently active PDF.
param replace_none_value:Enable this to conveniently visualize the fields. ( replaces the null value with field's default or its name if absent)
param encoding:Use an explicit encoding for field name/value parsing. ( defaults to "iso-8859-1" but "utf-8/16" might be the one working for you)
returns:A dictionary with all the found fields. Use their key names when setting values into them.
raises KeyError:If no input fields are enabled in the PDF.


Robot Framework

Example Keyword ${fields} = Get Input Fields form.pdf Log Dictionary ${fields}


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): fields = pdf.get_input_fields("form.pdf") print(fields) example_keyword()

Get number of pages in the document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Number of pages in PDF ${page_count}= Get Number Of Pages /tmp/sample.pdf Number of pages in opened PDF ${page_count}= Get Number Of Pages


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def number_of_pages_in_pdf(): page_count = pdf.get_number_of_pages("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf
raises PdfReadError:if file is encrypted or other restrictions are in place

Get metadata from a PDF document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Get PDF metadata ${metadata}= Get PDF Info /tmp/sample.pdf *** Keywords *** Get metadata from an already opened PDF ${metadata}= Get PDF Info


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def get_pdf_metadata(): metadata = pdf.get_pdf_info("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source PDF.
return:dictionary of PDF information.

Get text from set of pages in source PDF document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone
pagesint, str, List[int], List[str], NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Text extraction from PDF ${text}= Get Text From PDF /tmp/sample.pdf Text extraction from open PDF ${text}= Get Text From PDF


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def text_extraction_from_pdf(): text = pdf.get_text_from_pdf("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
param pages:page numbers to get text (numbers start from 1).
param details:set to True to return textboxes, default False.
param trim:set to False to return raw texts, default True means whitespace is trimmed from the text
return:dictionary of pages and their texts.

Generate a PDF file from HTML content.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
contentstr, List[str]null
working_directorystr, NoneNone

Note that input must be well-formed and valid HTML.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Create PDF from HTML HTML to PDF ${html_content_as_string} /tmp/output.pdf Multi Page PDF @{pages}= Create List ${page1_html} ${page2_html} HTML To PDF ${pages} output.pdf ... margin=10 ... working_directory=subdir


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def create_pdf_from_html(): pdf.html_to_pdf(html_content_as_string, "/tmp/output.pdf") def multi_page_pdf(): pages = [page1_html, page2_html, page3_html] pdf.html_to_pdf(pages, "output.pdf", margin=10) # if I have images in the HTML in the 'subdir' pdf.html_to_pdf(pages, "output.pdf", margin=10, working_directory="subdir" )
param content:HTML content
param output_path:filepath where to save the PDF document
param encoding:codec used for text I/O
param margin:page margin, default is set to 0
param working_directory:directory where to look for HTML linked resources, by default uses the current working directory

Check if PDF is encrypted.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.

param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
return:True if file is encrypted.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Is PDF encrypted ${is_encrypted}= Is PDF Encrypted /tmp/sample.pdf *** Keywords *** Is open PDF encrypted ${is_encrypted}= Is PDF Encrypted


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): is_encrypted = pdf.is_pdf_encrypted("/tmp/sample.pdf")

Open a PDF document for reading.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, Pathnull

This is called automatically in the other PDF keywords when a path to the PDF file is given as an argument.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Open my pdf file Open PDF /tmp/sample.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): metadata = pdf.open_pdf("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
raises ValueError:if PDF is already open.

Rotate pages in source PDF document and save to target PDF document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
pagesint, str, List[int], List[str], Nonenull
source_pathstr, NoneNone
output_pathstr, NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** PDF page rotation Rotate Page ... source_path=/tmp/sample.pdf ... output_path=/tmp/output.pdf ... pages=5


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def pdf_page_rotation(): pages = pdf.rotate_page( source_path="/tmp/sample.pdf", output_path="/tmp/output.pdf", pages=5 )
param pages:page numbers to extract from PDF (numbers start from 1).
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
param output_path:filepath to the target pdf, stored by default in the robot output directory as output.pdf
param clockwise:directorion that page will be rotated to, default True.
param angle:number of degrees to rotate, default 90.

Save field values in PDF if it has fields.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone
output_pathstr, NoneNone
newvalsdict, NoneNone
param source_path:Source PDF with fields to update.
param output_path:Updated target PDF.
param newvals:New values when updating many at once.
param use_appearances_writer:For some PDF documents the updated fields won't be visible (or will look strange). When this happens, try to set this to True so the previewer will re-render these based on the actual values. (and viewing the output PDF in a browser might display the field values correcly then)


Robot Framework

Example Keyword Open PDF ./tmp/sample.pdf Set Field Value phone_nr 077123123 Save Field Values output_path=./tmp/output.pdf Multiple operations &{new_fields}= Create Dictionary ... phone_nr=077123123 ... title=dr Save Field Values source_path=./tmp/sample.pdf ... output_path=./tmp/output.pdf ... newvals=${new_fields}


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): pdf.open_pdf("./tmp/sample.pdf") pdf.set_field_value("phone_nr", "077123123") pdf.save_field_values(output_path="./tmp/output.pdf") def multiple_operations(): new_fields = {"phone_nr": "077123123", "title": "dr"} pdf.save_field_values( source_path="./tmp/sample.pdf", output_path="./tmp/output.pdf", newvals=new_fields )

Try to save the image data from Figure object, and return the file name, if successful.


ArgumentTypeDefault value

Figure needs to have byte stream and that needs to be recognized as image format for successful save.


Robot Framework

*** Keyword *** Figure to Image ${image_file_path} = Save figure as image ... figure=pdf_figure_object ... images_folder=/tmp/images ... file_prefix=file_name_here


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def figure_to_image(): image_file_path = pdf.save_figure_as_image( figure="pdf_figure_object" images_folder="/tmp/images" file_prefix="file_name_here" )
param figure:PDF Figure object which will be saved as an image. The PDF Figure object can be determined from the Get All Figures keyword
param images_folder:directory where image files will be created
param file_prefix:image filename prefix
return:image filepath or None

Save figures from given PDF document as image files.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone
pagesstr, NoneNone

If no source path given, assumes a PDF is already opened.


Robot Framework

*** Keyword *** Figures to Images ${image_filenames} = Save figures as images ... source_path=/tmp/sample.pdf ... images_folder=/tmp/images ... pages=${4} ... file_prefix=file_name_here


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def figures_to_images(): image_filenames = pdf.save_figures_as_image( source_path="/tmp/sample.pdf" images_folder="/tmp/images" pages=4 file_prefix="file_name_here" )
param source_path:filepath to PDF document
param images_folder:directory where image files will be created
param pages:target figures in the pages, can be single page or range, default None means that all pages are scanned for figures to save (numbers start from 1)
param file_prefix:image filename prefix
return:list of image filenames created

Save the contents of a pypdf reader to a new file.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
readerPdfReader, NoneNone


Robot Framework

*** Keyword *** Save changes to PDF Save PDF /tmp/output.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def save_changes_to_pdf(): pdf.save_pdf(output_path="output/output.pdf")
param output_path:filepath to target PDF
param reader:a pypdf reader (defaults to currently active document)

Sets main anchor point in the document for further searches.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
pagenumint, str1

This is used internally in the library and can work with multiple anchors at the same time if such are found.

param locator:Element to set anchor to. This can be prefixed with either "text:", "subtext:", "regex:" or "coords:" to find the anchor by text or coordinates. The "text" strategy is assumed if no such prefix is specified. (text search is case-sensitive; use ignore_case param for controlling it)
param trim:Automatically trim leading/trailing whitespace from the text elements. (switched on by default)
param pagenum:Page number where search is performed on, defaults to 1 (first page).
param ignore_case:Do a case-insensitive search when set to True.
returns:True if at least one anchor was found.


Robot Framework

Example Keyword ${success} = Set Anchor To Element Invoice Number


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): success = pdf.set_anchor_to_element("Invoice Number")

Change settings for PDFMiner document conversion.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
line_marginfloat, NoneNone
word_marginfloat, NoneNone
char_marginfloat, NoneNone
boxes_flowfloat, None0.5

line_margin controls how textboxes are grouped - if conversion results in texts grouped into one group then set this to lower value

word_margin controls how spaces are inserted between words - if conversion results in text without spaces then set this to lower value

char_margin controls how characters are grouped into words - if conversion results in individual characters instead of then set this to higher value

boxes_flow controls how much horizontal and vertical position of the text matters when determining the order of text boxes. Value can be between range of -1.0 (only horizontal position matters) to +1.0 (only vertical position matters). This feature (advanced layout analysis) can be disabled by setting value to None thus bottom left corner of the text box is used to determine order of the text boxes.

param line_margin:relative margin between bounding lines, default 0.5
param word_margin:relative margin between words, default 0.1
param char_margin:relative margin between characters, default 2.0
param boxes_flow:positioning of the text boxes based on text, default 0.5


Robot Framework

***Settings*** Library RPA.PDF ***Tasks*** Example Keyword Set Convert Settings line_margin=0.00000001 ${texts}= Get Text From PDF /tmp/sample.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): pdf.set_convert_settings(boxes_flow=None) texts = pdf.get_text_from_pdf("/tmp/sample.pdf")

Set value for field with given name on the active document.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, NoneNone

Tries to match with field's identifier directly or its label. When ticking checkboxes, try with the /Yes string value as simply Yes might not work with most previewing apps.

param field_name:Field to update.
param value:New value for the field.
param source_path:Source PDF file path.
raises ValueError:When field can't be found or more than one field matches the given field_name.


Robot Framework

Example Keyword Open PDF ./tmp/sample.pdf Set Field Value phone_nr 077123123 Save Field Values output_path=./tmp/output.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def example_keyword(): pdf.open_pdf("./tmp/sample.pdf") pdf.set_field_value("phone_nr", "077123123") pdf.save_field_values(output_path="./tmp/output.pdf")

Switch library's current fileobject to already opened file or open a new file if not opened.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
source_pathstr, Path, NoneNone

This is done automatically in the PDF library keywords.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Jump to another PDF Switch to PDF /tmp/another.pdf


from RPA.PDF import PDF pdf = PDF() def jump_to_another_pdf(): pdf.switch_to_pdf("/tmp/sample.pdf")
param source_path:filepath to the source pdf.
raises ValueError:if PDF filepath is not given and there are no active file to activate.

Use HTML template file to generate PDF file.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
variablesdict, NoneNone
working_directorystr, NoneNone

It provides an easy method of generating a PDF document from an HTML formatted template file.


Robot Framework

*** Keywords *** Create PDF from HTML template ${TEMPLATE}= Set Variable order.template ${PDF}= Set Variable result.pdf &{DATA}= Create Dictionary ... name=Robot Generated ... ... zip=00100 ... items=Item 1, Item 2 Template HTML to PDF ... template=${TEMPLATE} ... output_path=${PDF} ... variables=${DATA}


from RPA.PDF import PDF p = PDF() orders = ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3"] data = { "name": "Robot Process", "email": "", "zip": "00100", "items": "<br/>".join(orders), } p.template_html_to_pdf("order.template", "order.pdf", data)
param template:filepath to the HTML template
param output_path:filepath where to save PDF document
param variables:dictionary of variables to fill into template, defaults to {}
param encoding:codec used for text I/O
param margin:page margin, default is set to 0
param working_directory:directory where to look for HTML linked resources, by default uses the current working directory