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Add items into a JSON serializable object and return the result.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
docDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
valueDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull

If the target is a list, the values are appended to the end. If the target is a dict, the keys are either added or updated.

param doc:JSON serializable object
param expr:JSONPath expression
param value:values to either append or update
return:JSON serializable object of the updated JSON

Robot Framework Example:

*** Task *** Change the name value for all people &{before}= Convert string to JSON {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} &{person}= Create dictionary Name=John &{after}= Add to JSON ${before} $.People ${person}

Python Example:

from RPA.JSON import JSON # Change the name value for all people js = JSON() before = js.convert_string_to_json('{"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]}') person = {"Name": "John"} after = js.add_to_json(before, "$.People", person) print(after)

Convert a JSON serializable object to a string and return it.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
docDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
param doc:JSON serializable object
return:string of the JSON serializable object

Robot Framework Example:

*** Task *** Convert to string ${obj}= Create dictionary Key=Value ${json}= Convert JSON to string ${obj} Should be equal ${json} {"Key": "Value"}

Python Example:

from RPA.JSON import JSON from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn obj = {"Key": "Value"} json = JSON().convert_json_to_string(obj) BuiltIn().should_be_equal(json, '{"Key": "Value"}')

Convert a string to a JSON serializable object and return it.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param doc:JSON string
return:JSON serializable object of the string

Robot Framework Example:

*** Task *** Convert to json ${json}= Set variable {"Key": "Value"} &{obj}= Convert string to JSON ${json} Should be equal ${obj.Key} Value

Python Example:

from RPA.JSON import JSON from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn json = '{"Key": "Value"}' obj = JSON().convert_string_to_json(json) BuiltIn().should_be_equal(obj["Key"], "Value")

Delete values from a JSON serializable object and return the result. Will delete all values that match the expression.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
docDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
param doc:JSON serializable object or string
param expr:JSONPath expression
return:JSON serializable object with values removed


*** Task *** Delete all people &{before}= Convert string to JSON {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} &{after}= Delete from JSON ${before} $.People[*]
from RPA.JSON import JSON # Delete all people before = {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} after = JSON().delete_from_json(before, "$.People[*]") print(after)

Get a single value from a JSON serializable object that matches the given expression.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
docDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
defaultAny, NoneNone

Raises a ValueError if there is more than one match. Returns the given default argument (or None) if there were no matches.

param doc:JSON serializable object or string
param expr:jsonpath expression
param default:default value to return in the absence of a match
return:string containing the match OR default if there are no matches
raises ValueError:if more than one match is discovered

Short Robot Framework Example:

*** Task *** Get the name value for the first person &{people}= Convert string to JSON {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} ${first}= Get value from JSON ${people} $.People[0].Name

Short Python Example:

from RPA.JSON import JSON # Get the name value for the second person. people = {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} second = JSON().get_value_from_json(people, "$.People[1].Name") print(second)

Extended Robot Framework Example:

*** Settings *** Library RPA.JSON Suite Setup Ingest JSON *** Variables *** ${JSON_STRING} { ... "clients": [ ... { ... "name": "Johnny Example", ... "email": "", ... "orders": [ ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 103.20, "id":"guid-001"}, ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 98.99, "id":"guid-002"} ... ] ... }, ... { ... "name": "Jane Example", ... "email": "", ... "orders": [ ... {"address": "Waypath 321", "state": "WA", "price": 22.00, "id":"guid-003"}, ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 2330.01, "id":"guid-004"}, ... {"address": "Waypath 321", "state": "WA", "price": 152.12, "id":"guid-005"} ... ] ... } ... ] ... } ${ID} guid-003 *** Tasks *** Get email for specific order id ${email}= Get value from json ${JSON_DOC} $.clients[?("${ID}")].email Log \nOUTPUT IS\n ${email} console=${True} Should be equal as strings ${email} *** Keywords *** Ingest JSON ${doc}= Convert string to json ${JSON_STRING} Set suite variable ${JSON_DOC} ${doc}

Get all values from a JSON serializable object that match the given expression.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
docDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
param doc:JSON serializable object or string
param expr:JSONPath expression
return:list of values that match

Short Robot Framework Example:

*** Task *** Get all the names for all people &{people}= Convert string to JSON {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} @{names}= Get values from JSON ${people} $.People[*].Name

Short Python Example:

from RPA.JSON import JSON # Get all the names for all people people = {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} names = JSON().get_values_from_json(people, "$.People[*].Name") print(second)

Extended Robot Framework Example:

*** Settings *** Library RPA.JSON Suite Setup Ingest JSON *** Variables *** ${JSON_STRING} { ... "clients": [ ... { ... "name": "Johnny Example", ... "email": "", ... "orders": [ ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 103.20, "id":"guid-001"}, ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 98.99, "id":"guid-002"} ... ] ... }, ... { ... "name": "Jane Example", ... "email": "", ... "orders": [ ... {"address": "Waypath 321", "state": "WA", "price": 22.00, "id":"guid-003"}, ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 2330.01, "id":"guid-004"}, ... {"address": "Waypath 321", "state": "WA", "price": 152.12, "id":"guid-005"} ... ] ... } ... ] ... } ${ID} guid-003 *** Tasks *** Get All Prices and Order Ids # Arithmetic operations only work when lists are of equal lengths and types. ${prices}= Get values from json ... ${JSON_DOC} ... $.clients[*].orders[*].id + " has price " + $.clients[*].orders[*].price.`str()` Log \nOUTPUT IS\n ${prices} console=${True} Should be equal as strings ${prices} ... ['guid-001 has price 103.2', 'guid-002 has price 98.99', 'guid-003 has price 22.0', 'guid-004 has price 2330.01', 'guid-005 has price 152.12'] Find Only Valid Emails With Regex # The regex used in this example is simplistic and # will not work with all email addresses ${emails}= Get values from json ... ${JSON_DOC} ... $.clients[?( =~ "[a-zA-Z]+@[a-zA-Z]+\.[a-zA-Z]+")].email Log \nOUTPUT IS\n ${emails} console=${True} Should be equal as strings ${emails} ['', ''] Find Orders From Texas Over 100 # The regex used in this example is simplistic and # will not work with all email addresses ${orders}= Get values from json ... ${JSON_DOC} ... $.clients[*].orders[?(@.price > 100 & @.state == "TX")] Log \nOUTPUT IS\n ${orders} console=${True} Should be equal as strings ${orders} ... [{'address': 'Streetroad 123', 'state': 'TX', 'price': 103.2, 'id': 'guid-001'}, {'address': 'Streetroad 123', 'state': 'TX', 'price': 2330.01, 'id': 'guid-004'}] *** Keywords *** Ingest JSON ${doc}= Convert string to json ${JSON_STRING} Set suite variable ${JSON_DOC} ${doc}

Load JSON data from a file, and return it as JSON serializable object. Depending on the input file the object can be either a dictionary, a list, or a scalar value.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param filename:path to input file
param encoding:file character encoding
return:JSON serializable object of the JSON file


*** Task *** Load json &{auth}= Load JSON from file auth.json Log Current auth token: ${auth.token}

Save a JSON serializable object or a string containing a JSON value into a file.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
docDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
indentint, NoneNone
param doc:JSON serializable object or string
param filename:path to output file
param indent:if given this value is used for json file indent
param encoding:file character encoding

Robot Framework Example:

*** Tasks *** Save dictionary to file ${john}= Create dictionary name=John Save JSON to file ${john} john.json Save string to file ${mark}= Set variable {"name": "Mark", "mail": ""} Save JSON to file ${mark} mark.json

Python Example:

from RPA.JSON import JSON # Save dictionary to file. john = {"name": "John", "mail": ""} JSON().save_json_to_file(john, "john.json")

Update existing values in a JSON serializable object and return the result. Will change all values that match the expression.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
docDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
valueDict[Hashable, str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], List[str | int | float | bool | list | dict | None], str, int, float, bool, list, dict, Nonenull
param doc:JSON or string
param expr:JSONPath expression
param value:New value for the matching item(s)
return:JSON serializable object with updated results

Short Robot Framework Example:

*** Tasks *** Change the name key for all people &{before}= Convert string to JSON {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} &{after}= Update value to JSON ${before} $.People[*].Name JohnMalkovich
from RPA.JSON import JSON # Change the name key for all people before = {"People": [{"Name": "Mark"}, {"Name": "Jane"}]} after = JSON().update_value_to_json(before, "$.People[*].Name","JohnMalkovich") print(after)

Extended Robot Framework Example:

*** Settings *** Library RPA.JSON Library Collections Suite Setup Ingest JSON *** Variables *** ${JSON_STRING} { ... "clients": [ ... { ... "name": "Johnny Example", ... "email": "", ... "id": "user-001", ... "orders": [ ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 103.20, "id":"guid-001"}, ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 98.99, "id":"guid-002"} ... ] ... }, ... { ... "name": "Jane Example", ... "email": "", ... "id": "user-002", ... "orders": [ ... {"address": "Waypath 321", "state": "WA", "price": 22.00, "id":"guid-003"}, ... {"address": "Streetroad 123", "state": "TX", "price": 2330.01, "id":"guid-004"}, ... {"address": "Waypath 321", "state": "WA", "price": 152.12, "id":"guid-005"} ... ] ... } ... ] ... } ${ID} guid-003 *** Tasks *** Update user email ${updated_doc}= Update value to json ... ${JSON_DOC} ... $.clients[?("user-001")].email ... Log \nNEW JSON IS\n ${updated_doc} console=${True} ${new_email}= Get value from json ${updated_doc} $.clients[?("user-001")].email Should be equal as strings ${new_email} Add additional charge to all prices in WA # This example also shows how the update keyword changes the original JSON doc in memory. ${id_price}= Get values from json ... ${JSON_DOC} ... $.clients[*].orders[?(@.state=="WA")].id,price FOR ${order_id} ${price} IN @{id_price} Update value to json ${JSON_DOC} $.clients[*].orders[?("${order_id}")].price ${{${price} * 1.06}} END Log \nNEW JSON IS\n ${JSON_DOC} console=${True} ${one_price}= Get value from json ${JSON_DOC} $..orders[?(${ID})].price Should be equal as numbers ${one_price} 23.32 *** Keywords *** Ingest JSON ${doc}= Convert string to json ${JSON_STRING} Set suite variable ${JSON_DOC} ${doc}