Note: You are looking at a static snapshot of documentation related to Robot Framework automations. The most recent documentation is at


Connect to Exchange account


ArgumentTypeDefault value
passwordstr, NoneNone
access_typeAccessType, strDELEGATE
serverstr, NoneNone
primary_smtp_addressstr, NoneNone
client_idstr, NoneNone
client_secretstr, NoneNone
tokendict, NoneNone
param username:account username
param password:account password (can be skipped with OAuth2)
param autodiscover:use autodiscover or set it off (on by default)
param access_type:default "DELEGATE", other option "IMPERSONATION"
param server:required for configuration setting (with autodiscover off)
param primary_smtp_address:by default set to username, but can be set to be different from username
param is_oauth:use the OAuth2 authorization code flow (instead of basic auth)
param client_id:registered application ID
param client_secret:registered application secret (password)
param token:contains access and refresh tokens, type, scope, expiry etc.

Create email folder.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
parent_folderstr, NoneNone
param folder_name:name for the new folder (required)
param parent_folder:name for the parent folder, by default INBOX

Delete email folder.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
parent_folderstr, NoneNone
param folder_name:current folder name (required)
param parent_folder:name for the parent folder, by default INBOX

Empty email folder of all items


ArgumentTypeDefault value
parent_folderstr, NoneNone
delete_sub_foldersbool, NoneFalse
param folder_name:current folder name (required)
param parent_folder:name for the parent folder, by default INBOX
param delete_sub_folders:delete sub folders or not, by default False
return:True if operation was successful, False if not

Generates an authorization URL which must be opened by the user to start the OAuth2 flow and obtain an authorization code as response.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param client_id:Client app ID. (generated by the provider)
returns:Authorization URL string not containing any sensitive info in it.

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Start OAuth Flow ${auth_url} = Generate OAuth URL ... client_id=810482312368-19htmcgcj******* Log Start OAuth2 flow: ${auth_url}

Exchanges the code obtained previously with Generate OAuth URL for a token.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param client_secret:Client app secret. (generated by the provider)
param response_url:The final URL containing the authorization code found in the address bar after authenticating and authorizing the Client app through the authorization URL.
returns:A dictionary containing the access & refresh token, plus metadata.

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Finish OAuth Flow ${token} = Get OAuth Token ... client_secret=GOCSPX-******mqZAW89 ... response_url=${resp_url} # redirect of Generate OAuth URL

List messages in the account inbox. Order by descending received time.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
folder_namestr, NoneNone
criterionstr, NoneNone
containsbool, NoneFalse
countint, None100
save_dirstr, NoneNone
items_onlybool, NoneFalse
param folder_name:name of the email folder, default INBOX
param criterion:list messages matching criterion
param contains:if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching
param count:number of messages to list
param save_dir:set to path where attachments should be saved, default None (attachments are not saved)
param items_only:return only list of Message objects (instead of dictionaries)

List unread messages in the account inbox. Order by descending received time.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
folder_namestr, NoneNone
criterionstr, NoneNone
containsbool, NoneFalse
countint, None100
save_dirstr, NoneNone
param folder_name:name of the email folder, default INBOX
param criterion:list messages matching criterion
param contains:if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching
param count:number of messages to list
param save_dir:set to path where attachments should be saved, default None (attachments are not saved)

Move a message into target folder


ArgumentTypeDefault value
msgdict, Nonenull
targetstr, Nonenull
param msg:dictionary of the message
param target:path to target folder
raises AttributeError:if msg is not a dictionary containing id and changekey attributes


${messages}= List Messages ... INBOX ... criterion=subject:about my orders FOR ${msg} IN @{messages} Run Keyword If "${msg}[sender][email_address]"=="${priority_account}" ... Move Message ${msg} target=INBOX / Problems / priority END

Move message(s) from source folder to target folder


ArgumentTypeDefault value
criterionstr, None
sourcestr, NoneNone
targetstr, NoneNone
containsbool, NoneFalse
param criterion:move messages matching this criterion
param source:source folder
param target:target folder
param contains:if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching
return:boolean result of operation, True if 1+ items were moved else False

Criterion examples:

  • subject:my message subject
  • body:something in body

Refreshes the token as the access one usually expires after 1h and the refresh one never expires. (as long as it doesn't get revoked)


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param client_id:Client app ID. (generated by the provider)
param client_secret:Client app secret. (generated by the provider)
param token:Full token dictionary previously obtained with Get OAuth Token.
returns:A token dictionary containing a new access token and updated metadata.

Example: Robot Framework

*** Tasks *** Refresh OAuth Flow ${token} = Refresh OAuth Token ... client_id=810482312368-19htmcgcj******* ... client_secret=GOCSPX-******mqZAW89 ... token=${token} # from Get OAuth Token

Rename email folder


ArgumentTypeDefault value
parent_folderstr, NoneNone
param oldname:current folder name
param newname:new name for the folder
param parent_folder:name for the parent folder, by default INBOX
return:True if operation was successful, False if not

Save attachments from message into given directory.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
messagedict, strnull
save_dirstr, NoneNone
param message:dictionary or .eml file path containing message details
param save_dir:file path where attachments will be saved
param attachments_from_emls:pass True if the attachment is an EML file (for saving attachments from that EML file instead), False otherwise (default)
param overwrite:overwrite existing downloaded attachments with the same name if set to True, False otherwise (default)
return:list of saved attachments


${messages} = List Messages FOR ${msg} IN @{messages} Save Attachments ${msg} %{ROBOT_ARTIFACTS} ... attachments_from_emls=${True} END ${attachments} = Save Attachments ${CURDIR}${/}saved.eml ... %{ROBOT_ARTIFACTS} overwrite=${True}

Save email as .eml file.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
param message:dictionary containing message details
param filename:name of the file to save message into

Keyword for sending message through connected Exchange account.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
recipientsList[str], str, NoneNone
subjectstr, None
bodystr, None
attachmentsList[str], str, NoneNone
htmlbool, NoneFalse
imagesList[str], str, NoneNone
ccList[str], str, NoneNone
bccList[str], str, NoneNone
savebool, NoneFalse
reply_tostr, NoneNone
param recipients:list of email addresses
param subject:message subject, defaults to ""
param body:message body, defaults to ""
param attachments:list of filepaths to attach, defaults to None
param html:if message content is in HTML, default False
param images:list of filepaths for inline use, defaults to None
param cc:list of email addresses
param bcc:list of email addresses
param save:is sent message saved to Sent messages folder or not, defaults to False
param reply_to:email address to reply to

Email addresses can be prefixed with ex: to indicate an Exchange account address.

At least one target needs to exist for recipients, cc or bcc.

Send reply to a message.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
messageMessage, strnull
subjectstr, NoneNone
param message:either Message object or ID of the message for the message which this is replying to
param body:message body for the reply
param subject:optional subject for the reply, defaults to None
param reply_all:if True then reply is sent to all recipients, defaults to False

Robot Framework example

${messages}= List Messages criterion=subject:'I have new query' FOR ${m} IN @{messages} # Verifying that this is email that I want to reply to ${now}= RPA.Calendar.Time Now UTC return_format=YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm ${received}= Evaluate str($m["datetime_received"]) ${diff}= RPA.Calendar.Time Difference In Minutes ${received} ${now} # message was received less than 5 minutes # and it came from the expected address IF $diff < 5 and "${m}[sender]" == "" Send Reply Message ... ${m}[id] ... body=I totally agree END END

Wait for email matching criterion to arrive into INBOX.


ArgumentTypeDefault value
criterionstr, None
timeoutfloat, None5.0
intervalfloat, None1.0
containsbool, NoneFalse
save_dirstr, NoneNone
param criterion:wait for message matching criterion
param timeout:total time in seconds to wait for email, defaults to 5.0
param interval:time in seconds for new check, defaults to 1.0 (minimum)
param contains:if matching should be done using contains matching and not equals matching, default False is means equals matching THIS PARAMETER IS DEPRECATED AS OF rpaframework 12.9.0
param save_dir:set to path where attachments should be saved, default None (attachments are not saved)
return:list of messages