Note: You are looking at a static snapshot of documentation related to Robot Framework automations. The most recent documentation is at


In Robot Framework for RPA, Tasks are where the action happens. When run, the robot script will execute the keywords specified in its tasks in sequence.

Take this example .robot file:

*** Settings *** Documentation Example robot that downloads an Excel file and opens it. Library RPA.Excel.Files Library RPA.HTTP *** Tasks *** Download an Excel file, open it, and close it Download ... ... overwrite=True Open Workbook Data.xlsx Close Workbook

This script has one Task that we called Download an Excel file, open it, and close it.

To accomplish the task, we call three keywords: Download, Open Workbook, and Close Workbook.

Tasks basic syntax

Tasks must be contained in a *** Tasks *** section.

The first line contains the name of the task. All other lines need to be indented with spaces.

Tasks documentation

Using the [Documentation] setting, you can add a more detailed description of what the task does:

*** Settings *** Documentation Example robot that downloads an Excel file and opens it. Library RPA.Excel.Files Library RPA.HTTP *** Tasks *** Download an Excel file, open it, and close it [Documentation] Download the sales data file, open it, and close it. Download ... ... overwrite=True Open Workbook Data.xlsx Close Workbook

Task setup and teardown

Using the [Setup] and [Teardown] settings, you can execute keywords before and after a task is run:

*** Settings *** Documentation Example robot that takes a screenshot of a webpage. Library RPA.Browser.Selenium *** Tasks *** Take a screenshot of the intranet homepage [Setup] Open Available Browser Screenshot [Teardown] Close All Browsers

The [Setup] setting will always execute as the first action called by the Task section. Likewise the [Teardown] setting will always execute as the last keyword, even upon a failure. The [Teardown] setting is great to use to ensure that specific cleanup actions are taken by the bot in both successful as well as failed runs.

Additionally, you can also place both the [Setup] and [Teardown] settings in the settings section like the below example. The below example also demonstrates how the [Teardown] setting works in conjunction with a failure.

*** Settings *** Library OperatingSystem Task Setup Do setup steps for the task Task Teardown Do teardown steps for the task *** Tasks *** Minimal task Log Done. # 'Fail' keyword is here for simulating task failure Fail *** Keywords *** Do setup steps for the task Log To Console %{RC_PROCESS_ID=-1} Do teardown steps for the task ${variables}= Get Variables # Logging ${variables} to the console (WARN level log will do that) Log Variables level=WARN # Logging ${env_variables} to the console (WARN level log will do that) ${env_variables}= Log Environment Variables level=WARN IF "${TEST_STATUS}" != "PASS" TRY Log To Console Task failed, and we need to do something extra EXCEPT ${error_message} Log FATAL! Our error handling steps failed also. level=ERROR END END

The [Setup] and [Teardown] setting also work in conjuction with Work Data Management / Work Items.

For information on handling Work Item failures refer to the work items page. The portal bot Producer-Consumer template also demonstrates how to handle work item failures.

You can find information on handling task errors on our linked docs page.

TRY-EXCEPT blocks are also perfect for handling errors, in keywords, tasks, or for Work Items.

Last edit: December 3, 2022