
A library for interacting with Control Room (CR) Process API endpoints.

See Unattended processes for information about process run, step run and work item states.

See APIs and webhooks for information about Control Room APIs.

The Process API endpoint is defined by RC_API_PROCESS_HOST environment variable, which is available during Robocorp Workforce Agent runs.


Robot Framework

In the following example a task creates two input work items, and starts a process with those items. This results in 2 different process runs in the Control Room.

*** Settings *** Library RPA.Robocorp.Process Library RPA.Robocorp.Vault *** Keywords *** Initialize Process Library ${secrets}= Get Secret ProcessAPI Set Credentials ... ${secrets}[workspace_id] ... ${secrets}[process_id] ... ${secrets}[apikey] *** Tasks *** Start process with work items [Setup] Initialize Process Library &{item1}= Create Dictionary fname=Mark lname=Monkey &{item2}= Create Dictionary fname=John lname=Doe @{items}= Create List ${item1} ${item2} Start Process work_items=${items} batch=True

Robot Framework

In the following example a task creates work item with files. To include files in a work item, the item needs to be created before starting the process (note. different start keyword than above).

In this example I am using same keywords and settings from above example.

*** Tasks *** Start process with work items [Setup] Initialize Process Library &{data}= Create Dictionary fname=Mark lname=Monkey @{files}= Create List ... ${CURDIR}${/}workdata.xlsx ... ${CURDIR}${/}other.csv ${item_id}= Create Input Work Item ... payload=${data} ... files=${files} Start Configured Process ... config_type=work_items ... extra_info=${item_id}

Download from process runs artifacts all matching files

*** Settings *** Library RPA.Robocorp.Process Library RPA.Robocorp.Vault Library RPA.HTTP Task Setup Set Control Room Variables *** Keywords *** Download Artifacts Matching [Arguments] ${filematch} @{workitems}= List Process Work Items FOR ${item} IN @{workitems} @{artifacts}= List Run Artifacts ... process_run_id=${item}[processRunId] ... step_run_id=${item}[activityRunId] FOR ${artifact} IN @{artifacts} IF "${filematch}" IN "${artifact}[fileName]" ${download_link}= Get Robot Run Artifact ... process_run_id=${item}[processRunId] ... step_run_id=${item}[activityRunId] ... artifact_id=${artifact}[id] ... filename=${artifact}[fileName] Download ... url=${download_link} ... target=%{ROBOT_ARTIFACTS}${/}${artifact}[fileName] ... overwrite=${TRUE} ... stream=${TRUE} END END END


List work items in Control Room and retry failed items.

from RPA.Robocorp.Process import Process from RPA.Robocorp.Vault import Vault secrets = Vault().get_secret("ProcessAPI") process = Process( secrets["workspace_id"], secrets["process_id"], secrets["apikey"] ) def retry_failed_items(): items = process.list_process_work_items() for item in items: if item["state"] == "FAILED": print("FAILED work item: %s" % item["id"]) result = process.retry_work_item(item["id"]) print(result) if __name__ == "__main__": retry_failed_items()

Download from process runs artifacts all ".xlsx" files

from RPA.Robocorp.Process import Process from RPA.HTTP import HTTP def download_artifacts_matching(filematch=".xlsx"): work_items = process.list_process_work_items() for item in work_items: artifacts = process.list_run_artifacts( process_run_id=item["processRunId"], step_run_id=item["activityRunId"] ) for artifact in artifacts: if filematch in artifact["fileName"]: download_link = process.get_robot_run_artifact( process_run_id=item["processRunId"], step_run_id=item["activityRunId"], artifact_id=artifact["id"], filename=artifact["fileName"] ) target_filepath = os.path.join( os.getenv("ROBOT_ARTIFACTS"), f"{artifact['fileName']}" ) HTTP().download( url=download_link, target_file=target_filepath, overwrite=True, stream=True )


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.